Coffee Comforts

Every Friday morning I brew about 30 cups of coffee for my Bible study group.  I have done this for over five years.

A lot of study and a lot of coffee.

I don’t know if we’re any closer to understanding God’s will for us…but we try.  There is a saying “You can never satisfy God, but you can please Him”…I hope we’re pleasing him.

But back to the coffee.  Through those five years I have served many brands. No, this is not an advertisement for a particular brand.  I tend to buy whatever coffee is on sale, so we drink a great variety.  The Bible study participants often bring me a tin and for that I am grateful.  Coffee is expensive but then as my late husband used to say “everything costs”…those you love worry you and those who die nearly break your heart and even our salvation cost Jesus His life here on earth.

When I bought a specialty coffee as a gift for myself at Christmas, I decided to keep it…just for me.  My sister in law had given me an expensive one cup coffee maker and I pulled out my specialty coffee and made a cup. I gazed with anticipation as the coffee flowed and the aroma filled the room.  With a bit of cream and sugar added, I sat down in my easy chair, cup in hand and drank.  It tasted absolutely awful!  I threw it down the kitchen drain…ugh.

Sometimes the things we so look forward to do not fulfill our hopes and dreams.  It’s hard to give thanks for failures.  But I have learned much from things that have gone wrong…errors in the kitchen, sometimes loved ones not being so loving, etc. etc.  The list goes on…then I remember that I too have failed at times and those mistakes involved a lot more than throwing out a cup of coffee.

So I give thanks for the coffee I have this morning…a non-specialty that reminds me that there is a lot of pleasure in the ordinary things of life.