The Hats We Wear

            Most seniors have worn so many hats that it is no wonder they are confused.  A friend of mine confessed at church coffee time, that at a recent family affair, she was a great-grandma for the first time.  It was disconcerting as she kept looking up every time someone said “grandma” and it is her daughter that is now “grandma”.

            It takes a while to get your role-playing right.

The last visit of my great grandchildren was a delight. I had not yet recovered from my hip surgery but was able to blow bubbles for them, sing songs and tell stories.  I found myself being confused as I found myself calling my great grandson Mike when his name is Toby, but he did remind me so of his father as a little boy.  Of course Mike got a great charge out of this.  He is my favorite grandson and my only one so he is much cherished.  But Toby is already claiming a piece of my heart.

I believe that children represent God’s faith in us… faith that there is hope for the future and for future generations… that we will do a better job…and there will be better tomorrows.

And many things have not changed and that is okay too.  Babies still love songs and little children still love stories and for that week there was laughter, some crying and for the first time in years, disposable diapers in the garbage can.

My new hat as a great-grandma fits very nicely and I hope my daughter will enjoy her new role as grandma…it was a role I enjoyed to the fullest.  I have found the journey on the road of life has so many variables but it has been fascinating.  My role as Gigi (great-grandma) will be a learning experience and I am sorry my husband missed his part in it, but it certainly has lifted my heart to see these little ones with their easy smiles, come running into my arms.

God’s love is reflected in so many ways…nature, insights and relationships, but one of the brightest bits of love is the shine in my great-grandson’s eyes when I open my arms and say “Come to Gigi, Toby!”…and his little warm arms are soon wrapped around my neck.