Here We Grow Again

My CY journey began in 2006. I had just accepted the role of youth co-ordinator at St. John’s, Cornwall, Ont., and had no time to prepare to take a group to the conference. In 2009, I attended my first CY with two boys from my youth group. It was a life-altering experience for each of us. Philip came back and preached a sermon on CY. This was a huge step for him as his grandfather is the Rev. Dr. Fred Rennie, minister emeritus at St. John’s. Alex has decided to pursue studies that will enable him to become a preacher of the Word and I am in my second year at Princeton Theological Seminary for the certificate program in youth ministry.

After CY2009, we decided to get aggressive¬—our slogan became 12 in 12. We used it on emails and posters. When asked what it meant, we would say that 12 people from St. John’s will attend CY2012. Fundraising began in 2010. Once a month, the youth put on a freewill offering luncheon after service. These luncheons were so well received that they have become a mainstay with the congregation.

We unfortunately missed our goal of 12 as we have many youth in cadets who were away for summer programs. But we were pleased that we almost tripled our 2009 numbers. A group of eight went to CY from St. John’s. And what a great group it was. Two of my youth leaders handled the health clinic, one was in mission track, four were in conference track and I was in leadership.

What a difference three years make! The first time around, I didn’t really know anyone or what to expect. The friendships made in 2009, grew in the interim and blossomed in 2012. As hectic as the schedule can get at CY, it represents a haven to me, a safe place, a blessed place. A place where people and ideas come together in the Lord’s embrace.

This proved to be extremely important this year. Misfortune hit my family while we were at CY. On Thursday afternoon, I received word that my daughter in Calgary was having emergency surgery. Details were sketchy at best and I was afraid of the outcome. I was not sure what to do next. She did not want me to go at this point and the distance between St. Catharines and Calgary had never before seemed so great. Word spread quickly throughout the conference and many stopped to see how she was and offered to keep her in their prayers. I knew I had to let go and let God but that is easier said than done. Yet with my “CY family,” I was able to do just that. My daughter is recovering and awaiting tests.

CY was able to take me to an incredible place every evening with worship service. The last night after service, I posted this on Facebook: “CY backpack = $ 5.95, return train ticket = $ 70, CY conference = $ 500… the look on my youths’ faces during worship service = Priceless.”

As we mingled after the Sunday service, saying goodbye and safe travels to our friends, St. John’s made a pledge of 15 in 15. Each one of us wants to return and we are on fire to share our experience of CY2012. And here we grow again.

More reflections from Canada Youth 2012

About Debbie Plant

Debbie Plant is currently enrolled in the three-year certificate program for youth ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary. She served as an adult advisor throughout Canada Youth.