Falling in Love

Now that’s a title that should capture your attention! I heard that phrase this morning while watching TV. The young lady was describing her relationship with the Lord. She said she loved Him, then she said, “No, I am IN LOVE with Him.”

Hurrah, finally the message has been proclaimed over TV! Loving someone is quite different than being in love with someone. I have loved many people but have only been in love with one man. Being in love involves so much more – commitment, trust, sacrifice, longing to be in their very presence, pleasing them, joy, laughter – the list goes on and on. Great books have been written about the subject.

Some of us may remember that moment when we realised that we had fallen in love with someone; others say it was a gradual realisation of how important the other person was in their life. A similar thing could be said about our relationship with the Lord.

I still recall the night I was taken home from a school dance by a dark-haired boy.  I can’t explain what happened but that night I knew he was going to be the most important person in my life. I had fallen in love.

“Come,” I would call to my baby daughter and she would walk to me with complete confidence, right off the kitchen table and fall into my arms. Complete trust was so obvious; she knew I would catch her, care for her and look after her. Perhaps that’s what falling in love is all about – complete trust and an acknowledgement of love and care.

Much as falling in love with a person, falling in love with the Lord can be an extraordinary experience. It too demands your trust and commitment and with that your whole life and your responsibilities change. I think many of us are willing to love the Lord: we sing songs about it in church; we pray to Him; we acknowledge Him as Saviour. But are you ready to fall in love with Him? You did it for your spouse, now can you do it for the Lord? It is a question that only you can answer.