Nana’s Fresh Raspberry Pie

A little late in the season for local raspberries but this recipe is SO good, save it for next summer!

My mouth waters when I recall cottage suppers finishing with this pie.

The berries came from Nort and Filey Smith’s farm in Keswick where I as a teenager worked in the summers, a few miles from our cottage on Lake Simcoe. My job was to sell the farm produce from the Smith farm stand but my days always began with picking ripe juicy raspberries for which customers came from miles and miles. Back lost in the endless rows of canes, I’d fill baskets with berries which would sell so fast we’d run out, and back with my basket, I’d pick more while customers waited!


An unsweetened pastry pie shell
5 cups of raspberries
3 tbsp cornstarch
1 cup white sugar

Bake a flakey, not sweet pastry shell until slightly golden…( Nana used lard in her pastry.)

Place 3 cups of raspberries in a saucepan.
Add: 3 level tbsp constarch
1 cup white sugar
Cook until thickened and clear. Remove from heat.
When cooled, pour the mixture over the baked pie shell into which 2 cups fresh berries are spread.
Serve with sweetened whipped cream.

About Nancy Kennedy

Nancy Kennedy is a friend of many good cooks who share wonderful recipes...thank you all!Share your own recipes and memories through our interactive blog.