Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Beautiful! I say to myself as I gaze out the kitchen window. The Alberta blue skies are lovely, especially outlined by the grace of leafless aspens, and snow-blanketed lawns. It is especially beautiful as today I do NOT have to go out. I am finding going out into the winter wilds of the north not as much fun as it used to be. No doctor’s appointments, no trips to the grocery or the library, just time for me and my computer. A fun day!

I also have time to look out the window and see the surprises God has in store for me.  First, the window is somewhat clean as it was warm (6 degrees C.) the other day and I took my cleaning wand out and a pail of water and attempted to wash off three months of mess from the wind and snow flurries.  My neighbours thought I was nuts but my window is the focus of the house.  There I worship God each morning when I open my blinds,  spy on my neighbours – well, not really spying, but I was glad I was watching out last Fall when the lady across the street took a tumble and I ran to her rescue. And I enjoy the birds that roost on the trees, even the crows and magpies have a beauty of their own.  It has taken me five years of living here to appreciate these noisy creatures.  My old house had robins, chickadees and evening grosbeaks as its choir in the backyard; I miss them but I have learned that beauty is often right there before our eyes if we but look.

This year I have decided to stop and tell every new mother I meet that their baby is beautiful.  I did it for a while last year and there was not a one that took exception to my question ”how old is the baby?” and, when I remark of his/her beauty, the glow on the mother’s face warms my heart. Of course every baby is beautiful, especially your own.

I glance out my kitchen window again.  The tree outside is about 50 feet high (sorry, I am not very good with metric).  Its branches silhouetted against the sky are like slim arms reaching up to worship God.  Some of my earlier evangelical background comes to the surface as I want to throw up my hands and do likewise. (I attended every Baptist Vacation Bible School from age 8-12 years and memorized more bible verses in those four years than I have learned in the decades since.) My hymn knowledge is pretty good too and I sing to myself ‘Praise my soul, the King of Heaven’. The other day I caught myself singing out loud, something I haven’t done in years. The neighbours didn’t complain so I will continue to do so when the spirit moves me.

Beauty is there in the faces of my friends – those gifts of God that are sprinkled into my everyday experiences – so I thank him for His creation of trees and blue skies, of friends and faith, and of memories of the past and adventures in the future. God is so good to us.