Christmas Art Portfolio

Christmas is a very big deal in my household. Before the Halloween decorations have even come down, my four-year-old son Alex is begging me to bring up the box of Christmas ornaments and is desperately trying to convince me that, no, November 1st is not too early to build a gingerbread house, and that yes, Santa will probably visit him early so we’d better be ready. It’s such a blessing to see how a child experiences Christmas—with anticipation, joy, and incredible excitement.

I’m fortunate to receive early Christmas gifts each year; our Christmas Art Contest submissions start to trickle in beginning in late October. I wait with great anticipation to see what our readers have created for us! This year we received over 60 pieces of artwork. There were cute crayon drawings of Christmas trees and candy canes and extremely detailed and stunning pieces by very talented artists. There was even one picture that was created by a group of kids—what a great idea!

I chose the cover art—a happy snowman by 12-year-old Liam Lokaisingh—because it jumped out at me as joyful. It put a smile on my face, as I hope it will for you too. I love the snowman’s big smile, I love his colourful mittens and scarf, I love the snowflakes. Christmas is a time of reflection and appreciation, but this particular piece reminded me of the joys of Christmas through a child’s eyes.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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About Caroline Bishop

Caroline Bishop is the Record’s art director.