The God He Loves

Confident Faith In a world that wants to believe By Dr. Lawrence Brice
Larry Brice is a minister, an international speaker, the only full-time Presbyterian evangelist in Canada and a TV host. His book looks at the need to witness to seekers caught between two worldviews: a modern scientific worldview that emphasizes the search for truth through rational facts, and the postmodern focus on truth revealed through life experience.

Throughout the book, he shares an appeal to reason with arguments and short summaries of the thoughts of many great philosophers and theologians, without weighing down the reader who may have only a passing knowledge of them. He weaves in his personal experience and the story of how he came to faith so that the intellectual arguments are incorporated into his story. This book is not an attempt to overwhelm the reader with logical explanations for the faith; it is a testimony to the wisdom and faithfulness of a God who makes our journey here a rich experience to be shared. He does not attempt to convince his reader through overwhelming evidence for faith; he argues that reason is not the enemy of faith.

Brice presents an explanation (an apologetic) in a popular, thoughtful way that reveals why the faith of the Christian is satisfying in both rational and experiential ways. In fact it is implied that both are necessary if we want to enjoy the confident living that faith offers. Clearly the influence of his mentor and teacher at New College, Edinburgh, T. F. Torrance, is present. Torrance was one of the foremost theologians of the 20th century and is noted for his groundbreaking book Theological Science, which argues for the rationality of the Christian faith. Convincingly and respectfully, Brice takes on such popular atheists as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins and shows the weakness of their arguments. He understands the difference between religion and faith and clearly understands those who have had enough of institutional religion. But he speaks to many who still wish to discover a faith that satisfies.

The first part of the book outlines classical arguments for the existence of God and the second part answers the big questions we need in order to examine the claims of Christianity with integrity. They include:

Is Jesus just another mythology? Why do the things Jesus did matter? Was Jesus just a martyr? Is there eternal life?

While Brice is committed to the historic faith, he presents it as part of his personal story and invites the reader to join him in living this abundant life. It is not a life without struggles and pain and Larry very openly shares his own pain and failures. By the end of the book one feels they not only know Brice better but also feel more confident in coming to know the God he loves.

About Calvin Brown

Rev. Calvin Brown is now retired and busy as ever.