The Bend in the Road

From my window I look southwest.  About 60 feet ahead there is a bend in the road.

Of course I know where it goes.  I’ve lived here for over six years. But someone else driving here for the first time may not know.

I’m glad God knows all the bends in the road and sometimes I’m glad I don’t.  I’m glad I didn’t know that Friday when I was 15, that my Dad would die that night.  I’m glad that when I eventually left home, I didn’t know that half of it would burn down and it wouldn’t be the same place seven years later when I finally returned.   I’m glad I didn’t know, when my husband walked into the church office where I was working, that he was bearing news that my 38 year old sister had just died.

But God knew and in His mercy he sent me angels…both earthly and I believe heavenly to help me through those rough spots.

An old hymn says “He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater.”  And He does!

A friend and I have a mutual “check” phone call each morning.  She checks on me by 9:30 a.m. and I check on her if she hasn’t called.

A recent call revealed she wasn’t feeling that great.  I wished her well, said I’d check later and hung up.

And then, like a turn in the road, I knew I had to call her back.   She had fallen and crawled back to her bedroom.  I drove over and phoned for an ambulance.

Sometimes we are given opportunities to see ahead but mostly we just move along, hoping the turns in the road will be positive and not negative.

Wherever the road goes, we can be assured that as the rest of that hymn says “To multiplied trials, he’s multiplied peace.”  We are never alone , no matter how many bends there are in the road ahead God is always with us.