Not Cooking and I’m in Trouble

We almost had a riot at our house this weekend.

You see, since we returned home from Uganda, I’ve not done much cooking.  I’m not sure what to cook and when faced with a never ending line of food choices at the grocery store, I’m not even sure I know what I want to eat.

This weekend I told the gang to ‘fend for themselves.’ 

I’ve said this a lot lately.  

The cupboards, refrigerator and freezer are full.  They can make their own meals.  I’m skipping most meals.  I’m just not hungry.  (This lack of hunger is probably due to my summer flirtation with veganism and is not due to being in Africa.)

A friend told me long ago that Sunday evenings in her home were ‘fend for yourself’ meals.  She was tired of cooking all week and the refrigerator was filled with leftovers so Daddy was in charge of reheating each of her 4 children’s choices.  At the time, I must admit, I thought she was a bad mother!  Boy, have the tables turned!

I’m hoping my disinterest in food changes soon as I’m cooking Christmas dinner for the whole family!  I’ve been watching Jamie Oliver’s Christmas cooking shows on YouTube and while I’m inspired to watch him, I’m still not inspired to cook!

I better get my act in gear because we can’t afford a riot at this stressful time of year.  Maybe I’ll post my recipes for this week and somehow, this list and my family’s reading of this list, can keep me accountable.  Do you think it might work? 

I’ll have to put on my thinking cap and as Winnie the Poo says, “Think, think, think!”


(all my meals are made with gluten-free alternatives) (



dinner party with friends (whew! no cooking)


Jamie’s Beef Tagine or  Elsa’s Cider Beef with Cheddar Smashed Potatoes


family wedding–hope they feed us!



Incredible Oven-baked Meatballs (because my son loves spaghetti and I’d better have a supply of these in the freezer when he comes home for the holidays) and Jamie’s Chicken Tikka Masala


Christmas eve usually means Bonnie Stern’s Potato Latkes and Roast Chicken but if I’m cooking the meal this year, I may just serve leftovers from the week.

After our Christmas Eve church service, we get out an evening feast of the following while we watch White Christmas:

  • Brie, cheddar, goat’s cheese, Boursin, flavoured cream cheese and crackers
  • Catherine’s antipasto
  • red pepper and port & wine jellies
  • a shrimp ring or two
  • smoked salmon and cream cheese topped with capers, lemon and red onions on pumpernickel toast
  • homemade liver pat

Then the main event!

Christmas day:  

  • Lucy Waverman’s never fail Moist Turkey recipe and gravy
  • Roast Chipolatas, if I can find them (we roast these instead of making sausage stuffing)
  • Stuffing in the bird and extra in the crock pot
  • Smashed carrots and parsnips puree
  • Jamie Oliver’s Brusels with Hustle 
  • Roast potatoes (or watch this from Jamie and use Yukon Golds) 
  • Peas (for Dan–his favourite veg)  

I didn’t make my Nana’s Christmas cake or pudding this year but bought a pudding while in London in November.  I’ll steam it and serve that with Hard Sauce and custard.  Mom’s baking up at storm of shortbreads and mince meat tarts, aren’t you, MOM?

I often brown spicy chorizo sausages, either in the casings or with them removed, and add them to the top of pasta.

So has this inspired me?  Not really but I’m currently cooking Penne alla Vodka as I edit so the accountability thing is working.

Have a Merry Christmas!  May the Light that shines in the darkness be your guide this coming year!

Every blessing