Sunday – Season of Christmas

Prayer:  Holy God,  we come before You today with the gifts of Advent and Christmas –peace, love, joy, and hope still in our hearts and minds.  May we continue to share these gifts of Advent and Christmas with those who need them this day. The Infant Christ has arrived –  alleluia.  The Angels announced Your birth – alleluia.  The shepehrds came, knelt, and saw the infant Christ then shared this Good news with others.  And Mary pondered all these things in her heart.  May we too today  ponder the story of Christmas in our hearts.   For those who lead worship this day,  may they rejoice in knowing that they are sharing the love of the infant Christ with us all.  For those who read and hear the Word of the Infant Christ this day…. may we take what we hear and what we learn and spread the Good News with those who need it this day.   For those who work this day,   Great God,  be with them as they help to heal and serve others.   King of Kings,  we bow down before You and give You our worries and our  pain and our anguish.  We know that if it is Your will,  You will heal our infirmities and grant us renewed life,  strength,  wisdom, and love.   Keep us ever mindful this week to share the gift of Your son with everyone that we meet and keep in our prayers.  This we ask in Your Son’s name.  Amen.