Saturday – a time of preparatory prayer

Great God,  You dwell in our hearts and minds and souls.   Show us this year how we can journey closer to Christ.   Remind us to continually worship You each and every day of our lives.  In the silence of our hearts,  we bring before You those who we know are in need of prayer……………..

In the silence of our hearts,  we bring before You those who we don’t know but are in need of prayer………..

In the silence of our hearts,  we bring before You those Ministers and Lay Preachers who will be leading in worship tomorrow……….. May they rejoice in Your name and in Your Word.  Provide us with imagination so that we can share of joy of Christ with others.     Heavenly Father,  we offer You our hearts and our minds and souls – our greatest gifts to bring to the Christ Child,  Your Son our Lord.   Amen.