Seeing Things Anew

 My itchy eyes were bothering me…so I pulled out the medicine drawer and went searching for my eye drops. Ah yes, there they were.

            Years ago there was a radio program where the host opened women’s purses and we all had a good laugh over its contents.

The same might be said of my medicine drawer…there are aids for nearly everything from stomachaches to cut fingers.  Cough medicines and cough drops are there along with several kinds of ointments for skin irritations etc.  I even found some baby powder, which I may have used on the grandchildren (and they are now in their mid-twenties).

Yes, it was time for a real clean-up and I started with the eye drops…their expiry date was 2007.  I am pretty good about following expiry dates for food items ( I do cheat a bit at times), but forgot all about the medicine drawer.  I never think about that drawer unless I need something and if the little ones are visiting it gets locked up so they can’t open it.

It made me think about faith issues and how we often leave them in a drawer except when there is an urgent need or problem, then we search for a solution.  But sometimes the solution is outdated.

For example; my family has strong “Orange” roots and I always had a derogatory attitude towards Catholics.  Wow! did I have to change and throw that idea out of my “faith drawer” when both my daughters married Catholics.   And, when I worked in a church office I sure learned about clergy…one Minister smoked and the other had weight problems…and here I always thought clergy were perfect!

There is a time to throw away childish things and ideas.  I have learned through the years that some of my preconceived religious concepts were like the contents of my medicine drawer…good for the time but needing updating.

So I go back to my Bible and suddenly there is insight and understanding.  God is constantly asking me to clean out my preconceptions and look at His word in a new light on this new day.

So I listen and search the scriptures, knowing its wisdom will be there for me when I need it to understand more clearly …and I clean out my medicine drawer, restock it and know when my eyes bother me again, I will have help to see more clearly too.