What Has God Done?

When we write or talk about “what to do” regarding the State of Israel and the Palestinians it’s easy to end up reflecting someone else’s godless ideology or be seen as merely taking a side. I am now realizing that much of my preaching over the years was of the “What Would Jesus Do?” sort. This is important enough, but not at the expense of “What Has God Done?”

Firstly, out of all the tribes that used to live in the land (Moabites, Ammonites, Hivites, etc.) just one is left. The Israelites. Why are the Jews still with us?  As a not so silent witness to the world that the Israelite God is God and that He was and is always faithful to keep His word.

Secondly, to understand God’s word is to understand that right from the call of Israel’s ancestor, Abram, it’s never really been about the land or an ethnicity. It’s been about a having a loving relationship with God and a place within His eternal presence.

I have been invited through Christ to tell again what God has done, is doing and will do in the future for all those who have the faith of Abraham and so become God’s children. 

About James Statham, Peachland, B.C.