Sunday – Prayers for Preparation

Prayer:  Almighty God,  who  has called us into one family by Your Son,  we acknowledge and confess that we have disobeyed Your will and broken Your commandments.  We have not always loved our neighbour as ourselves.  In the very midst of the family,  we have shown envy, jealousy, hatred, and pride. Out of Your infinite love which You have shown in the gift of Your Son,  grant us Your forgiveness, and bless us with Your peace.   Uphold those who preach this day. May they preach the Good News and instill inspiration and imagination to those who hear.   Uphold those who teach this day. May they teach the Good News and instill the love of Christ to those who hear.  Uphold those who come before You this day to Worship You.  May we hear Your Good news and act with inspiration and imagination to Your call.   Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.