The Rest of the Story

To those who read my blogs weekly, you may recall a story called “When God Says No.”  It describes my attempts at nurturing a goldfish.

Well, there is a saying about God closing a door and opening a window, but the other day he closed a window and my daughter opened a door.

“How is ‘sweetie pie’ doing?” she had earlier asked on the phone about my little fish.

“He died.” I announced, “And I cried when I placed him in the garbage…really Robin, I guess I am not supposed to have fish.”

“Make some tea and we’ll come over on the way home from work.”  So I put the kettle on and waited and waited and finally she threw open the door.  Behind her was John with his arms full of packages.

“I told the girl in the pet shop, that my mother was at home crying over a fish, so this time we are going to do it my way.”  And in ten minutes a foot long fish tank, and aerator and three tiny goldfish were sitting on the table behind the chesterfield. (Well actually it is not a table.  It is my old TV covered with a lace tablecloth, but it works for me.)

I got precise directions how to feed, add water and especially how not to get upset if they die.  They are “feeder fish” she explained.  I am not sure what that means…maybe that they feed other fish?  Anyway they are up and running around the tank and it is fun to watch them.

However, I couldn’t see them well from across the room and gave consideration to getting my eyes checked.  A closer inspection showed the fish tank itself was quite cloudy. But a call to Robin fixed that and she gave me explicit instructions about taking out a cup a water and adding  new water that had stood overnight, etc. etc.

So this morning as I sat in my chair, I could see “The Three Stooges” as they are being called, frisking away in their freshened water.

I think the message here is that when my spiritual vision gets cloudy, I guess it is time to pray more, read His word more and trust more.  God can be called on to add clean water to my understanding and help me see more clearly His will for my life.