A Child’s Prayer

“Now I lay me down to sleep” is probably the best known bedtime prayer.  It is one I learned many years ago and repeated until old enough to speak confidently to the Lord.

I never liked the last sentence: “And if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.”  It was scary for a child.  I wasn’t sure what my soul was and I wasn’t planning on dying.  My cats died and I didn’t like that a bit.

Children today are probably as confused and scared about death as I was.  How do you explain when the character on TV who died, reappears next week in a different role? It’s natural for the child to say, “He’ll be back next week” when he hears of the death of a neighbour.

My own children, when told of their grandfather’s death, argued with me…”but grandpa was going to live forever.”

Nowadays death is a part of my present life.  My husband died, my siblings died and my friends are dying.  I check the obituaries to be sure I am not in it.

Actually, it is an interesting phase of life.  As seniors we don’t take death nearly as seriously as we once did.  The dying process is one we are going through and we’re managing.  It’s gradual and God’s timing is always perfect.

Many Christians are concerned about the second coming of Christ. I recall the Good Friday event and hear Christ saying, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”  Paradise is closer than it has ever been and I will just carry on until then.

I think the regrets we have …some of our loved ones are not on the same wave length spiritually as we are…are like the Promised Land…hoped for but not yet seen.  But we keep trusting.

So now I can say “I pray the Lord my soul to take” without a qualm…it’s kind of nice to be grown up enough not to be threatened by that phrase.

Mind you, it’s still fun to be here and as long as He wants me here I will praise His name and thank Him for allowing me the privilege.