Weathering the storm.

A little over three years ago my son entered the world in a rather dramatic way having not grown half of his diaphragm in the womb.  The condition is called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and his case was of course, one the rarest as my son doesn’t do anything halfway. He’s healthy now and amazing.  My husband and I feel so blessed to have him with us. Because of his this, last night caught me completely off guard.

As we drove home from a dinner out with family, X. moaned in the backseat, unable to get comfortable. When we arrived home he immediately crawled into bed and could not settle. He was flailing about, moaning and groaning. He kept pointing to his side and the pain seemed to get worse and worse. Anxiety hit, terror filled my heart and I began to wonder, with no fever or other obvious symptom could it be re-herniation or a bowel obstruction? Then I realized it was food poisoning as my husband got hit too. A little overreaction on my part

It’s quite fitting that the topic we are dealing with in our Lent Project reading is anxiety.  After all what is anxiety but worry over what could be, or what is going to happen. Today we are reminded that we need not be afraid, that wherever we go there is one who has been there before us.  Jesus knows our worries and we are carried by him.

Moments like last night are a good reminder that nothing is within our control. My poor husband and son got food poisoning. Regardless of the end result we did have fun at dinner and we weathered the storm that followed. Even if we’d been anxious about the potential for food poisoning or other restaurant catastrophes it wouldn’t have changed the fact that it actually happened. Worry holds us back and prevents us from truly living in the moment. Our life is a gift from God and we should live it fully.

This was a good reminder for me. Worry often amounts to nothing and even if I’m right it won’t change what happens. I need to place my trust in the one who is, who was and who will be. He’s carried me through many storms so far, I have no reason to believe he won’t continue to do so.

Let’s not forget another important lesson from last night.  Kitchen hygiene is absolutely essential.