Appreciation and the Sin of Omission

As small children we all needed encouragement. We grew stronger with it and it gave us courage to keep on trying.

I don’t think we are much different as adults.  We all need an encouraging word.  It is like a smile from God and brightens our day.

Withholding encouragement I think is a sin of omission.  Is it pride, a feeling of losing control over a situation or over someone? Is it jealousy, bull-headedness or what?  We are all guilty of losing the opportunity to make someone’s day just a shade better.  A smile unshared is a tragic thing.  A word of recognition is a joy forever.

What is it in our nature that holds us back from being appreciative?  Perhaps it’s that old fashioned idea that the person might get a swelled head.  That’s their problem, not yours.

Sincere accolades are beautiful things and much like the “I love you” from that special person in your life, it makes you glow with joy.

God wants us to have life…more abundantly.  Raining on His parade is not what he expects of us.

My friend Anne has the cleanest kitchen I have ever seen.  Not a dribble or a drop on her counter top.  My recognition of same amuses her but I tell her every time I visit…and I always get a smile, then I go home, take a look at mine and do an in depth cleaning.

I sometimes email my Minister when I find something in his sermon I didn’t quite understand.  I know the work that goes into the preparation of his sermons and I appreciate it.  I want him to know that I have listened.

I had to take something back to the grocery store the other day. I hated to see the look on the clerks face as I explained what was wrong.  He understood and there was no trouble; but I did tell him that their flower display was lovely and their Remembrance Day tribute really touched my heart.  Small acts of kindness are health giving to everyone involved.

God is good.  Let’s follow His example.