Wednesday –

Prayer:    Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  help us today to focus our thoughts on hearing Your word.  Lord Jesus Christ,  Son of God,  help us today to focus our thoughts on listening to Your word.   Amen.

 Read St. Luke  9:   43b – 45

 Do you remember the quote from school,  “There is never a bad question only a bad answer?”    In today’s  scripture  Jesus pulls the disciples away from the crowd (who are still marvelling at the things Jesus had done) and says to the disciples, “Treasure and ponder each of these next words:  The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into human hands”.  (St Luke 9: 43b  The Message  Navpress, 2005).

 The disciples did not understand what Jesus was saying to them.   The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into human hands.   What?   They were embarrassed to ask him what he meant.     In some Bible translations,  it is written as “It was hidden from them so that they did not grasp it and they were afraid to ask him about it”.  (St Luke 9: 43- 45  NIV  Zondervan 1984).

 Hidden,  not understanding,  afraid.   Teachers will understand this passage.   Frequently teachers will teach something that is simple and the students will not understand the concept at all.   The teacher happily continues on with the next concept,  not realizing that the students haven’t a clue what is being taught.  And what is the end result of this confusion?  Embarrassment,  frustration,  disappointment.   

 The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into human hands.  This seems pretty simple doesn’t it. But we know the end of the story. We know that Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot.    The disciples did not know the rest of the story.    Think of it this way –what would you say if  your best friend calls you up and says these words to you…   “The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into human hands”.     Would you be confused?   Would you say to your best friend, “What in the world are you talking about?”   

 As Christians we need to ask questions  in order to grow in faith. Never be embarrassed to ask questions of the Minister, Elders,  Board of Managers,  or Bible Study teachers.  Ask questions about faith,  questions about the work of the congregation, questions about the work of Missions,  any question that will make us think and give us pause to pray,  reflect,  and grow is a delight for God!

 Today,  what one question will you ask in order to grow in the life of Christ?

 Prayer:    O Christ,  in Your loving kindness, hear the prayers of all who want to grow in living the renewed life in Christ.  O Christ,  in Your loving kindness,  hear the prayers of all who grow and mature in sharing the life of You.  This we ask in Your name.  Amen.