Daily Olympics

It always makes me cry when I watch the Olympic champions stand during the playing of their national anthem…so many struggles, so many sacrifices made…all culminated in this moment of recognition.

As I reflect over my years of marriage, parenthood, business ventures and family troubles I realize how much the “times of our lives” reflect the role of an Olympic hopeful…our failures and achievements as we look towards the prize…our gold medal…the time we will stand in front of the Lord and He will hopefully say “Well done, good and faithful servant”, and the angels in heaven, like the Olympic crowds, will sing “Hallelujah.”

I have been struggling with future concerns…should I stay in my condo, or should I consider a seniors residence?  What if my health fails?…decisions, decisions.  I know God has a plan for me and that gives me the confidence to not panic…He knows what’s going on.

My decisions are ones we all have to make eventually, although they are ones we seldom consider when we are younger…retirement is about as far as we care to look ahead.

It reminds me of an American who asked me where I lived.  I said “North of North Dakota.” He replied, “There is nothing north of North Dakota.”  And yet, there is something after retirement!  And it’s really not that bad!

A 92 year old lady I know is still volunteering in admissions at our hospital.  She’s set an unattainable standard for the rest of us but we carry on as only God knows when our work here is finished.

My TV reflects the dedication of the Olympic contestants.  I hope my life reflects the long term relationship I’ve had with the Lord and I hope He will smile on me when I pass through those pearly gates and that those I love will be there as my cheering section.