Sunday – Lent 5

How can it be Lent 5 already?   This Lent has gone by amazingly quickly.  Almost too quickly.   Today’s  prayer focusses upon forgiveness.  Without forgiveness,  we become very bitter and angry people.  Without forgiveness,  our love of Christ grows small.  Without forgivness,  we look inward at ourselves and forget to look outward serving others.   Such a simple prayer but yet an important prayer.   Forgiveness leads to thanksgiving and peace.  Simple.

Prayer:  “O Christ, of Your fullness we have all received.  You are our eternal hope.  You are patient and full of kindness.  You are generous to all who call upon You.  Lord hear our prayer.  O Christ,  fountain of life and of holiness.  You have taken away our sins.  You were loaded with insults and crushed beneath the burden of our faults.  Lord hear our prayer.  O Christ,  obedient unto death,  source of all comfort, our life and our resurrection, our peace and our reconciliation.  Lord  hear our prayer.  O Christ,  salvation of all who hope in You,  hope of all who die in You, and bliss of all the saints.  Lord here our prayer.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  Lord forgive us.  Lamb of God, You take away the sin of the world,  Lord hear us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world,  Lord have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away my sins.  Lord forgive me for the things I’d said that hurt others.  Lamb of God, You take away my sins.  Lord,  forgive me for the things I”d left undone.  Lamb of God, You take away my sins and grant me peace.    We give our thanks to You  for this season of Lent that we can focus upon Your Son and Your love.   Amen.     (adapted from Taize  “Praise in all our Days” Mowbray,  1981,  pg. 178 – 179)