Friday – the Journey to Holy Week begins

This winter has been long for a lot of people.  This week in meetings and events,  I’ve noticed that tempers are frayed,  misunderstandings abound,  people are  saying they are stressed, “Cabin fever” has long set in, and  the snow banks are piled higher and higher.       Yet how do we respond to the anger and frustration of others.   Should we return anger for anger?   Nope.   It is during times like this when we need to begin more times of prayer,  more times of reflection upon the scriptures, and more times of meditation.  Only when our bodies are spiritually restored and nourished can we help those who are angry and frustrated and hurting.    

Yesterday I was feeling horrid so left the museum before lunch time.  Because of the extra snow and ice it took me longer to walk to the bus stop.   I ended up missing my bus.  Which meant waiting a good 45 minutes for the next bus.   I began to get all upset with myself about missing the bus.  Then I give myself an inner shake and thought, “wait a minute.  This will give me 45 minutes of prayer and meditation”.   Best part was I actually got to sit at the bus stop instead of having to stand for 45 minutes.  So even though it was -25C,  I was all bundled up in my “good to -50C” jacket and was able to sit in the bright sunlight and  pray and meditate.    When we look for little bits of blessings or little glimmers of hope,  then our hearts turn from anger and frustration to joy and love.   

Before you begin the prayer and devotional today,  take time to prepare yourself.   Sit in a comfortable chair (or if you’ve missed your bus too,  find a place to sit :).   Focus upon Jesus. 

As you breath in,  repeat in your mind the phrase “Jesus is within me”.

As you breath out,  repeat in your mind the phrase,  “the love of Jesus born for me”.

 Prayer:  Lord, have mercy upon us and grant us Your peace.  Open our hearts and minds and souls to Your love and Your teachings so that as the journey to Holy Week comes nearer,  we may also come nearer to You.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Read Zechariah 9: 9 – 13

 We now begin the journey with Jesus to Jerusalem and to his Death and Resurrection.

This is not an easy season in the Church year.  There are some tough topics we will be reading and meditating upon.   But this is all part of Lent – that time of  returning our love to God.  

 Zechariah’s  prophecy is of the coming of Zion’s King – a Messiah.  This King comes to free his people and all the nations.     The King comes in righteousness and having salvation. The King comes on a donkey.   Kings who came riding into town on a horse was a symbol of  war.  Kings who came riding into town on a donkey was a symbol of peace.

Zechariah prophecies that Zion’s King will come into Jerusalem riding a donkey – a King of peace.     Zechariah continues to state that the King will proclaim peace to the nations.  His rule will extend from sea to sea.   This Messiah King will bring together the glories of the kingdom of David.

Zechariah prophecies that the people of Zion will be freed and their city will be returned to them.  Everyone will have hope. 

Zechariah prophecies that Jerusalem will be restored the best beyond the best.  The people will be filled with hope.  Their long awaited Messiah will be their King.

 As we begin the journey into Holy Week,  we think back to this prophecy from Zechariah.  The people of Israel knew this teaching.   Do you think they were wondering if Jesus was the long awaited Messiah?

 As we begin this journey into the Holy Week,  reflect on the scripture  that you read today.  This Lent,  do something more by reading  through this Scripture a couple of times.  Each time you read this Scripture you will find new ideas or thoughts or phrases that stand out.

 It is only through our reading of the Scriptures,  meditating on the Scriptures, and prayers that God’s love through Jesus is fully revealed to us.    It is this love that holds us steady and keeps us sustained during this Holy Week.     God’s  great love that is deep and full… and all we need to do to be part of God’s great love  is to say, “Lord I am here and I am Your’s”. 

 Prayer:  Great God,  how deep is Your love.  How full is Your love.   Lord, I am here and I am Your’s.   Amen.