Finding the Lost

“Paula, will you pray with me?” I ask my prayer-partner.  Paula and I have prayed many times together but this time I was a bit embarrassed.  My prayer was for such a silly thing and I really wondered if it was proper to bring it to the Lord’s attention.  Of course, He knew it was lost. He’d watched as I opened cupboards and searched areas that had not seen the light of day for months.

So together we prayed…”Lord would you please help Pat find her VHS re-winder”.

Okay, you can laugh now but it was important to me.  I had recently instigated a Wednesday movie afternoon.  I must have fifty VHS movies and I wanted to share them with my friends.  My “Re-winder” saves on the big machine and I have used it for years.

Two weeks ago I cleaned up the area it was in and why I placed it in a little nook by the fish tank I will never know.  I’ve fed those fish twice a day for weeks and never noticed it sitting there before.  But a prayer today changed all that.  I was laughing and crying when I phoned back to Paula.  She had insisted God cares about little things, the same as we care about the little things that bother our own children.  And she was right.

I am so humbled that God would answer my prayer.  I’ve been praying for big things lately. “ good health”.  As much as you wish it wasn’t so, it often becomes your main priority at this stage of your life.  It reflects on everything you do or want to do.

Today I put on my light green sweat suit to celebrate SPRING as the geese have finally arrived.  This year they are two days late (I mark their arrival on my calendar).  The changing seasons are truly celebrated in the north.  The spring, summer and autumn sometimes rolled into four months.  My prayer-partner, Paula and I will have to take a drive, drink in the new season and thank the Lord for his continual re-affirmation of His presence in Creation.

Don’t we have great God, who can create such a beautiful world, yet still cares lovingly about what is upsetting your day, even little things like a VHS re-winder?  His mercy knows no bounds.   What a wonderful Lord we worship..