Diversity of Approaches

Re Witnessing the Message, March
It was interesting to read the interview with Rick Fee. He points to funds that are available and described on the website. Hopefully they will be well used. Among them is the Renewing Ministries Capital Fund, which is underused. There are some renewing congregations for which capital investment for building purposes brings about renewal of ministries and a revitalization of congregational life and mission. Those opportunities need to be proactively pursued for the building of the Kingdom of God. Investing capital in such congregations for building purposes is good stewardship of resources that have been entrusted to the care of the Presbyterian Church in Canada for such purposes.

It is not the only way to help the church move forward. There are many other innovative methods that do not require buildings, but that again depends upon the context involved. Let’s celebrate a great diversity of ministry approaches rather than trading one for another.

About Rev. Dr. Martin Kreplin, Moncton, N.B.