The surprises of spring

It’s spring time. The chives have returned and life is springing forth into the world. I think because Easter was so early this year I am noticing it more. There are signs of resurrection all around me and I am reminded daily that we are a resurrection people.  We’ve survived the winter and are now looking to spring and it’s offerings to see what comes next. It’s good to see sunshine. It’s wonderful to feel warmth upon one’s face.

Spring is here and we should rejoice. We should rejoice at signs of new growth. It’s hard though sometimes, isn’t it? To see the little sprouts in our lives that are just beginning to push through into the world. We feel as thought things are bleak, as though they aren’t moving when in fact they are, it’s just a little slower than we might like. Sometimes it’s painful and bleak and cold like winter but spring does come and if we’re patient we will see it.

At times I admit I find this concept hard. I have a restless spirit and want answers right away. There are days and weeks when I feel impatient as I sit in a state of molecular frenzy within, as my body says go but my heart is hearing wait. It can be hard to know that things are changing yet not know what they are changing to. But spring reminds me there is beauty in this, beauty in the unknown and right now I’m enjoying the wait. Each year spring brings with it surprises. The bulbs the squirrels moved in the fall pop up in unexpected places, plants poke out of the ground brighter and fuller than ever before and the rabbits (in our yard at least) never cease to surprise me with their resilience and determination to live in our yard where all the neighbor cats sun themselves in the summer.

Spring is here and these chives are just a glimpse of what is yet to come, of the things that are happening in this world and around us.  The chives are a reminder of the possibilities that lay ahead, of things that may be happening in this world and what could happen if we just let it. Winter is ending. There is hope in sight, surprises in store and signs of resurrection if we stop for a moment and look around us.  The question is will we stop? Will we see?