We begin here.

My son is laying in his room complaining to his Dad about bed time. He’s not ready to go. There are more books to be read and he’s sure he can convince Dad to do so. He had a good day filled with crayons and cars, food and books. He had a good day and while we were living it, the news reports started to trickle in of bombs going off at the end of the Boston marathon. Almost instantly we learned of injuries, saw the chaos, felt fear and witnessed destruction. In these times of twitter and text, we know what happens before the newspapers do and my twitter feed moved at the speed of light as people spread hopes and prayers with those they loved. As I read I saw fear and hope, anger and elation mixed together. Some spoke of found friends, of lost friends and the injustice of it all. It is unjust. It is not fair. These things have to stop.  Almost daily now I read reports of violence in some manner or another. I read of rape, of murder, of bombs and beatings with alarming frequency. The world is in darkness.

My son has settled down now. He is sleeping the peaceful sleep of a toddler who knows no fear, who has not yet seen the evils of the world. As he slumbers my thoughts turn to the people from Newtown Connecticut who were seated in the midst of the chaos today having survived one tragedy only to find themselves in another. How will they sleep tonight? Their peaceful world has once again been turned on it’s head.  It’s not fair. It’s not just. This horror has to end.

Where do we begin?
Where do we begin ending this?

I am drawn into the teachings of Jesus right now. Not his words, but his life. When faced with opposition he continued to live. Knowing that he would die at the hands of those who opposed him, he continued to fight for the people he loved. He continued to teach and share, to live and laugh in the face of hatred and violence. Jesus walked shining the light of love on this earth and we need to do the same. While we cannot fix this or make this right we can make a difference in our own communities. We can walk in love, in light and hope. We can spread the message of the Gospel with us where we go. We can be people who bring good news to those around us.

The world needs the love that we have. The love that Jesus lavishes on us. They need the hope and light, the love and peace that we have been given. We need to fight against evil in the world. We have to fight against those who would hurt and destroy.  The love we have and the peace we are offered are tools for us to use. These are the instruments with which we can make a difference, with which we can shine light into the darkness.

Where do we begin?

We begin here, together as we contemplate this tragedy. We begin here, together as we think of ways we can love this world and spread light we’ve been given. We begin here with each other and with God for we cannot do it alone. We begin here, together. For in a community bound together by the common tie of the Spirit we are stronger. In the strength of God we will continue. We cannot live in fear. We must not let them win. We begin here.

“You are the light of the world…” Matthew 5:14 NIV