Book Review : “Wise Church: Exploring Faith and Worship with Christians Around the World”

Summary:  Finding resources is a constant challenge. One of the features of this blog will be to review books on worship that the author has found helpful. Today we review a newly published book, “Wise Church: Exploring Faith and Worship with Christians Around the World.

The book being reviewed today is

Wise Church:Exploring Faith and Worship with Christians Around the World. Emily R. Brink and Paul Detterman.

Faith Alive : Grand Rapids, Michigan. 2013

128 pages      ISBN: 978-1-59255-786-8


1.1. Called by the Triune God

Blessed are the people of God

who are deeply aware

that they are both called by and address the triune God,

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

who gathers, protects, and cares for the church

through Word and Spirit-

a God of splendour and majesty

perfectly revealed in Jesus Christ,

the “image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15) . . . . .


Blessed is the congregation

that insists that believers gather to worship God

not, first of all, in order that God might bless them,

but because God has already blessed them.


In my last blog I reflected on the question, “What is Worship?”.  This book, “Wise Church: Exploring Faith and Worship with Christians Around the World” contains a wonderful answer to that question. In fact, it impressed me so much that I bought copies to give to both the members of my Session and our Worship Team. Presently, we’re using it as a Session study and it has opened up wonderful discussions about worship.

To understand the content of the book, however, one needs to know the history behind it. In preparation for the inaugural meeting of the World Communion of Reformed Churches in 2010, of which The Presbyterian Church in Canada is a part, it was agreed to root this new “communion” in a theology of worship as worship is the glue that holds us all together. Rather than produce an essay on worship the international committee framed the statement in a series of proverbs, – “a literary form rooted in wisdom literature and embedded in many cultures for millennia.”  This alone makes this document unique as well as easy to read and gives it a feel similar to The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s Living Faith: A Statement of Christian Belief. (Wood Lake Books, 1984)

“Wise Church” contains this document called “Worshipping the Triune God: Receiving and Sharing Christian Wisdom across Continents and Centuries”  in its entirety. The document is 11 pages long but it is an easy read and interestingly it uses as its framework the traditional four (or five) fold order of worship that Presbyterians are so familiar with in their worship. 

1.A Called and Forgiven People: Assembling in Jesus’ Name

2.Joyfully Proclaiming God’s Word

3.Responding to God in Prayer and Offerings

4.Baptizing and Feasting

5.A Blessed and Commissioned People Serving in Jesus’ Name. 

After the worship statement the remainder of Wise Church contains an excellent study guide that helps us reflect on each of these five sections, plus a “B” section titled “Going Deeper,”  that offers additional opportunities for conversation and reflection.

The sections of “Worshipping the Triune God: Receiving and Sharing Christian Wisdom across Continents and Centuries” includes the kind of statements you would expect in any Christian document about worship (e.g. on baptism and the Lord’s Supper) but there other sections one might not expect, such as the following:

1.7 Artistic Expression

Blessed is the congregation in which the Word is proclaimed

and prayers and praise are offered

not only through words,

but also through artistic expression:

through gifts God has given

to each local community

in music and dance,

in speech and silence,

in visual art and architecture.

Blessed are the artists

who offer and discipline their gifts

so God’s people may

testify to the goodness of God,

offer thanks, and express repentance….


Wise are artists who are grateful

both for the limitations offered by the second commandment,

and also for the example of the biblical artists called by God

and equipped by God’s people for service

according to God’s commands. (Ex. 35:30ff)


Wise is the church

that gratefully receives

the gifts of faithful songs and artworks

from other centuries and other cultures,

celebrating the catholicity of the church

and cultivating creativity

through new songs and works for worship.


I also was delighted to find a section on Hospitality and Evangelization as it relates to worship.

5.3. Hospitality and Evangelization

Blessed are communities

in which hospitality is practiced

in both public worship and in personal lives,

where strangers and guests are welcomed and embraced,

where the poor and marginalized, diseased and forsaken

can find refuge under the shadow of God’s wings.


Blessed are communities

in which all people are invited and challenged

to become disciples of Jesus,

receiving baptism and formation in the faith.   (cf Matt. 28:19)


Finally, this book is well laid out and at 128 pages is an easy read. If I have one criticism it would be that the pictures are in black and white. I am unsure whether this makes them less or more powerful.

This is a great resource for Sessions, Worship Committees and Teams, and for study groups. The worship document  can easily be used in worship. It is available from The Book Room of The Presbyterian Church in Canada or from Faith Alive Publications. At around $8.00 a copy, this is a book everyone interested in worship should have on their shelf.