Tuesday – thanks and the Kingdom of God

Prayer:  Loving God,  help us this day to grow in Your love and abound in Your grace like the growth of the mustard seed.     May we live and toil in Your loving presence.  Nurture us so that we read Your Word with enthusiasm and delight.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Luke 13:  18 – 21

The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Parable of the Yeast


The Kingdom of God is like the miraculous grow of the mustard seed.  The Kingdom of God is like yeast that is put into water and then mixed with flour to become wonderful bread.


Jesus compares a mustard seed and yeast to the Kingdom of God.   What is the Kingdom of God?   Is it a place with an awesome castle?     Jesus was explaining to the people that God is here.   For the Israelites,  kingdom meant a just and merciful king to guide and lead them all their days.     Jesus teaches that the kingdom of God is more than being led by an earthly king.  The kingdom of God is the time of God…. the reign of God…..or better said,  just God.   God is here with us now and always.   Yet frequently the Israelites (and ourselves today)  forget and do not see God in everything.  The Kingdom of God is not stagnate.  Like the mustard seed and yeast,  the Kingdom of God grows in love each and every day.


Meditate for a moment how you will see God in everything you do today. 


Today in each task that you do,  remember to say thank you to God!  When you turn on a tap,  thank God for running water.  When you turn on a light,  thank God for electricity.  When you can’t find a book that you knew was in that pile over there,  thank God for the ability to have books and to learn.   


The Kingdom of God is here.


Prayer:   Great God,  we rejoice that the kingdom of God is here.  The kingdom of God is in our hearts and minds and souls.  The kingdom of God is our Churches.   The Kingdom of God is You.    May we continue to nurture and flourish Your Church so that others may learn of Your marvellous love.   This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.