Mother’s Day from a Man’s Perspective

Mom and Matthew0002When I was about old enough to know nothing I remember asking my mom, “What’s mother’s day?”  She told me.  I replied (as all kids are apt to reply), “Why isn’t there a kids’ day?”  She replied with the unison chorus all mother’s use around the globe to reply to that naïve question: “Every day is kids’ day.”

We boys turn into men.  Usually.  And it’s all very confusing.  We pretend to get more wise, but that’s only true some of the time.  We eventually learn that hockey isn’t the only thing that matters; that most of our self-righteousness is empty; that life isn’t very predictable; and that our moms are… pretty great.  Milton Berle had it right when he said, “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?”

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but men are portrayed in popular media like well-dressed baboons.  One-track minds, one-dimensional primates who happen to shower.  I was at a conference last weekend and the facility was shared by another church group—their specially-made T-shirts said “Rediscovering Authentic Manhood.”  Awesome.

In my thinking, men who are real (“authentic”) men know the score and are grateful.  They know the power of Thank You, not because they’ll get something in return, but because they know how to stand up for what’s important in a blurry world.  Men, to your posts!

I think a good Mother’s Day needs to include a few essentials from the man-side.

1) Remember when it is (We guys aren’t the best with dates)
2) Get a card that isn’t from the dollar store
3) Say Thank You for all the things you don’t even know about, but which were/are happening behind the scenes to paint the world (and your life) with brighter colours
4) Pray for your mom (And if your mom has passed away, pray that you honour her memory)
5) If you’re married (and especially if your kids are small), do something with the kids to honour the mom in your own house by making her day brighten with an additional splash of joy

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!  (To my own mom, Donna, and then also to my wife, Laura.)  So much of the work of a mom is difficult and goes unnoticed by the world, but makes the world what it is on it’s better days.

Without moms not only does the world stop, but it never really starts.

Pictured above is my mom, Donna, straightening my tie. I was ring-bearer in a wedding. (Yes, it was a few years ago.)