Saturday – Living Breathing Word of God

Prayer:  This day,  O LORD,  open our hearts and minds and souls to Your living Word.  Help us to read,  learn, listen, and inwardly digest Your living Word.  May we always thirst after Your living Word.   Amen.


Question 2:  What rule has God given to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy God?

Answer:  The word of God,  which is contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy God.


2 Timothy 3: 16 – 17

Ephesians 2: 20

1 John 1: 4 –  8


It is through the Bible that we come to know and learn of God our Creator.   The Bible is often called a “moral compass”,  but for Presbyterians the Bible is more than a moral compass.  The Bible is our life.   The Bible is the living breathing Word of God.


Prayer:   Breathe on us breath of God.  Fill us with life anew so that we can love what You love and do what You would have us do.  May we worship You in all Your fullness.   Amen.