Prayers for #ga139

The General Assembly of my denomination is meeting this week. In simple terms it’s the meeting where things are decided for the whole church in Canada. My husband who was raised Roman Catholic says the Presbyterian System operates like the Borg on Star Trek without a Queen. There is no one person directing the ship and that in his opinion is why things take so long to get things done. I think this is a rather simplistic view of things but an entertaining one nevertheless.

Anyways, the meeting began today and I noticed in my Facebook stream that a live feed would be streamed online. I clicked the link to check it out and was met with a statement that indicated the feed was not live and as I was looking at it on an iPad I wouldn’t be able to view it.  My first thought was “Are they running on time delay?  Are they worried about a Janet Jackson moment?” which was followed by “Oh well, I tried.  I wonder if we have pudding…”

While the tweets have not been plentiful and the updates irregular I am interested in what is happening. The future of our church is in the hands of the attendees. It is my prayer that God enters the halls of assembly to help with discernment and understanding. May we as a church be filled with a sense of urgency, renewed in faith and hope and surrounded by God’s presence so that as we move forward we are moving with God, not against him.

As the assembly gathers I find myself thinking of the future, of possibilities. I wonder what will happen over the coming year and I contemplate the church as I know it. I wonder what you are thinking. Do you have hopes for the Church as it moves ahead? What issues do you think the Christian Church needs to address and where do you think God is leading us in this fast changing world in which we live?