Take Action

Over the past several years I have become increasingly concerned by the constant use of the names of God as expressions of surprise or anger. On the TV, in movies and where I work it is fairly common to hear the expression, “Oh my God,” but more often now, people say, “Jesus” or “Christ” when they are angry or frustrated. Is it not time for members of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, perhaps through our General Assembly, to send a message of protest about this rude use of God’s names to the CRTC, CTV, CBC, or any other group that may have some ruling on what is allowed?

We as Christians pray the Lord’s Prayer including these words, “Hallowed be Thy Name …” We need to take action to let others know the misuse of His name is offensive to us.

You can talk to your sessions and presbyteries if you believe the national church should consider moving forward on this request.

About Irene Oakes, Ladysmith, B.C.