Monday- faith is not a measurement

Prayer:    Open our hearts and our minds to Your Kingdom O LORD.   May we come before You today with thanks and praise for Your gift of faith that is given to each and every one of us.  Amen.


Read St Luke 17: 5 – 10


The disciples said to Jesus, “Give us more faith!”


Jesus responds by saying that faith is not measured by more or less. Faith is not something that is earned by degrees nor in classes.   Faith is a gift of God for all people.


There are three parts to faith.    Part one —  Faith is a gift from God to each of us.  Part two of faith is our acceptance of this gift.    Part three is what we do with this gift.     


Yet we often hear of people saying they can’t do something because they don’t have enough faith.   If we follow the understanding that God gives everyone the gift of faith,  then why don’t  people think they have enough faith?    Trust and acceptance and change.   

Trusting in God.    Many people find trust only comes after they are comfortable.  Which is rather sad as I’m sure that we all miss out on God’s  call to us.   Trust means that with God with us,  we take a step out of our lives to something new.

Acceptance that God has given us this gift of faith.    Until we accept the Word of God in our hearts,  we will spend days and months or  years going around trying to find any other way to not accept the Word of God.   

Change.    None of us like change.   Change means uprooting ourselves and doing new things.   But if we don’t change we become stale and stagnant.  Then the Word of God is not shared with our family and friends.  


This day,  meditate upon what you are doing with your gift of faith that God has given to you.   


Prayer:  Great God,  we thank You for  Your gift of faith.  Help us to accept this gift and then take this great gift to share with others.  This we ask in Jesus’ name.  Amen.