Sunday’s Business in Brief

The assembly continued its promotion of “good news stories” with presentations from several ministers from across the country. Their stories often begin with churches that are bankrupt, dying, and close to closing, but through hard work, solid leadership, renewed focus and vision, and the grace of God, these churches became new again, serving as examples to show the wider church that change—and success—are possible.

Be sure to read the Record in the coming months for many of these good news stories!

Women’s Missionary Society

Joan Smith, outgoing president of the WMS, introduced the incoming president to the assembly. Betty Siverns of British Columbia will be president of the WMS for the next three years.

Siverns promoted the second National Presbyterian Women’s Gathering which will be held on May 16-19, 2014 in Richmond Hill, Ont. This event will feature the first Presbyterian Woman of Faith award. Nominations can be made through the WMS or through the Ministry and Church Vocations department at the national office

The event begins one day after the mission organization’s 100th anniversary. On May 15, 1914, three organizations joined to form the WMS. The group has been involved in mission activities in Canada and around the world ever since.


Change for the WMS

In light of their centennial anniversary, the WMS proposed a big change for the organization. Along with a change in the constitution, allowing the society to hold their general meeting every two years instead of every year, they also put forward a recommendation for the creation of a national women’s organization called the Presbyterian Church in Canada Women. The recommendation asked for the PCCW to be approved in principle as an umbrella organization that would include the current WMS groups, the women’s gathering, and new groups with new names.

While commissioners weren’t opposed to creating a new group, they were unsatisfied with the information-gathering process. It was noted that the Atlantic Mission Society, which includes women, men and children in the Atlantic provinces and Newfoundland, was never consulted.

Rev. Ruth Houtby, New Brunswick presbytery, said she likes the intent to create something new, but noted that more work needs to be done. “There is a large portion of the church that has been excluded here, and that is the AMS. There needs to be a wider conversation, and that part of the country certainly needs to be included in it.”

Jennifer Whitfield, AMS president, noted that men are part of both the WMS and AMS, and argued that a new national mission group should be created for men, women and children. “Mission is for everyone within the church and we mustn’t lose track of that,” she said.

Commissioners liked the idea that new groups could be included while maintaining their own identities. Rev. Paul Kang, West Toronto presbytery, noted there are many Korean women who, while involved in mission, don’t identify with the WMS but might be willing to get involved through their own groups. “I see this as a very good vehicle to encourage groups, especially young women, and in particular, ethnic young women, to participate within the structure of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, within the women’s organization.”

Rev. Sarah Kim, WMS executive director, said this is exactly the kind of thing they envision for the “new groups” category. She said they have heard from women who like to gather together, but are not prepared to join the WMS because they view it “as their mother’s group.” An umbrella organization could include those smaller groups, letting the members decide what they’re about, how they’d like to function, and what their needs are. In particular, younger women with young families often want shorter-term involvement. “We didn’t want to define for the new groups, how it must be done,” said Kim.

“We have spent a lot of time … thinking and talking over the last years about change,” said Betty Siverns. “We did not exclude the AMS in any deliberate way. It was hard enough to get some kind of decision going for change within the WMS … We’ve tried to come up with an idea to allow the WMS groups that are functioning to continue to function, and want to encourage them to continue as long as they can. On the other hand, we know there are lots of young women and men too who are very excited for mission and want to be involved in it, hence the new groups … and we want to encourage them, too … This is very preliminary … We’re working on it and will continue to work on it.”

In the end, the assembly sent the recommendation back to the WMS for further work, asking them to return next year.