It’s a Girl! (From a Dad’s-Eye-View)

They didn’t used to let dads in the delivery room.  They do now!

On Monday, my wife gave birth to our 3rd child—a little girl!  We are so enriched by God, and already by her.  As one friend said on Facebook: “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.”

For those of you who are prone to beating up on yourselves thinking that you’re nothing special, think again.  Be reminded (in the words of Tony Campolo) that the moment you’re born, you’re already a winner.  Just think that you were 1 of 5-million sperm lined up at a start line… and you won!  The Olympics seem insignificant in comparison. I think of the song: “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139: 16) You were made on purpose and for a purpose.

In a way, we were more ready and also less ready for our 3rd child.  When our first was due we knew which door to go in at the hospital, what the right breathing patterns were for labour, etc.  The third time around, you kind of forget about some of those things until you’re in the car.  A mom I really respect who has 5 kids said that when you have one, you are trying to be quiet and careful—but by the time the fifth comes around you throw the bottle in the crib on the way past with the vacuum! Someone else who has 3 kids told me a few days ago that the transition from 2 to 3 is like going from a one-to-one to a zone defense.  Love that.

We weren’t expecting a girl.  Our first girl bucked a trend of boy-after-boy in our family since the late 1890’s.  (Our 1st child would have been the 21st boy in a row!)  But God is full of surprises.  So another girl was a total shocker.  The doctor said, “It’s a girl!”  And I was like, ‘Are you sure?’ He was like, ‘Um, yup.’

There’s so much that could be said, and here I’m just sharing a few thoughts as I wind down from my week.  But these are central to my mind right now:

First: Children are not our own; they are entrusted to us from God, that we might be caretakers of one of his children, directing them back to love him.

Second: Laura was a champion.  Wow, labour is hard; but she was so focused and strong through it all.  It’s a lion I married! I’m surprised more mom’s don’t call out during labour: “Eve!!!” (see Genesis 3: 13-16).  (Remember, men, that the greatest thing a father can do to his children, is to love their mother.” (Anjaneth Garcia Untala.)

Third: thinking of our growing family and our other children, love begets love.  It is not a limited commodity. Spend love and your bank account keeps increasing.

Fourth: We are so incredibly blessed by our church, family and friends who enfold us with soaring prayers and real day-to-day help. Deeply moved.

So, that’s it for tonight. We’re glowing and tired and awash in gratitude.

Her name is Anna. And I love her. Forevermore.