A Mission of Burgers and Dogs

Please forgive me, but I need to boast.

Burns Church in Ashburn did something on Canada Day that was pretty amazing in my books.

We served burgers and dogs.

That’s right – at the Ashburn village Canada Day BBQ, our congregation took on the responsibility for serving over 250 people who were present.  There was the Whitby Mayor, Town Councillors, our MPP and MP.  And Burns.

We moved people through line with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine.

“Burger combo, hotdog” cried the order taker.

“Burger combo, hotdog” echoed someone on the team.

Some cooked the meat, others put them in buns.  Others filled the orders, or delivered drinks and chips, or made sure the bins were full of food.

A well-oiled machine.

Now, to some in the Christian world, serving BBQ at a Canada Day picnic may not seem like mission.  But here’s what I saw happening:


First, we met a practical need.

As I’ve mentioned in earlier blogs, the village’s picnic was on the verge of shutting down (read about it here).  It wasn’t that too few were interested, just that not enough felt they could help. So, by lending a hand we were filling a need in an otherwise affluent community that needed little.

When the Europe and North America first sent missionaries to the far corners of the globe, very few of them could start sharing the good news right away.  Instead, most took a look around, noticed where the needs were, and then started working to meet them.  Schools, hospitals, dentistry clinics were just some of ways needs were met.

Ashburn didn’t need a soup kitchen, thrift store, doctor or dentist.  But it did need people to help pull together the food.  We could do that!


Second, our connections to our community were strengthened.

As needs are met, relationships are strengthened.

Over and again, I saw folks I never see on a Sunday morning, chit chatting with congregation members.  The event became a way for the connections we already have in the community to be strengthened.  We weren’t held up behind the walls of our building, waiting for folks to come to us.  We were the church, out there, talking with people, making new friendships or deepening existing ones.

I noticed some others who were placing their order had faces that said, “I’m a bit uncomfortable.”  Maybe they were a bit unsure about us.  Was this their first interaction with a Christian?  Did they wonder if they could be themselves around us?

“Cheese burger combo and cheese dog,” the order called.

“Cheese burger combo and cheese dog” we echoed, as one held plates, another placed the food, another put on the cheese.  We were jostling and joking as we served.  We were laughing and having fun.

By the time folks hit the end of the table, most had faces that were relaxed, even smiling.  I hope it was because they not only had some good food for their stomachs, but a good experience with some Christians.


Third, one of our leaders expressed her strengths.

Let me tell you about one of our leaders.

She has been in the congregation since she was two, and our office administrator for the past fourteen years.  She has obvious gifts for administration, organization and implementation.    She has a deep love and commitment to what Christ is doing among us and in Ashburn.  And, she sits on the community center board, the group who organizes the Canada Day BBQ.

So, it came as no surprise that she brought this mission opportunity to us.

It also came as no surprise that she took the project by the reigns and made it happen.

Every congregation is filled with people who have gifts and passions.  The gifts point them to how they can contribute and their passions fuel the difference they’re making for Christ.

She has gifts of administration, organization and implementation.  She has a passion for Christ and her community.  The BBQ became the perfect opportunity for her to express these.  So, it became a discipleship event where she could participate in Christ’s work, and discover the energy that comes from the joy of serving him.


4. It was a one off event some of our folks could be involved in.

When we were at the Stewards-by-Design conference in May (read about it here), Dr. Callahan noted that the church is really good at serving people who can make a long term commitment. Worship every week, 12 week bible studies, monthly events.  All these are good, but are geared towards marathoners.

He encouraged us to make room for sprinters; people who could only make commitment for the short term (i.e. 3-5 weeks) and one-time events.

The BBQ saw people involved who enjoy helping out and want to be part of the Burns community.  They can’t commit to weekly bible studies; some work on many Sundays.  But, on this statutory holiday, they were able to share the experience.

They were part of the joking and jostling.  They deepened their connection to others in the congregation.


Burns did a good thing on Canada Day.  Its resulted in a lot of good for our folks, and the people of the village where we meet.