Things to do while waiting

We are not getting impatient. We are trying really hard not to get impatient. I am not feeling impatient myself waiting for the baby this time around. Heavy? Yes. Awkward? Most certainly. But not impatient. When Blue was on the way, I remember waking up every morning for a couple of weeks and seeing the sun shining on an empty bassinet and feeling – if such a thing were possible – deflated. And exhausted. These days, however, I’ve been waking up relaxed and happy. But the kids? Another story altogether. Hence the emphasis. We must not get impatient. If I put it in the imperative, maybe it will make it true.

Despite predictions for third-time mothers and my own attempts at maternal intuition (based largely on twinges and hopes, I think), it seems that my babies like to grow inside for at least a full 40 weeks. Which is no bad thing. But add to the mix a 4 year old and a now-seven year old, both out of school and at a bit of a loose end as they try to find their summer feet, and you get a bit of tension in the household. It’s hard for them to wait which makes it hard for the Spouse and me to relax into the waiting and enjoy these last few days (?) of being a family of four.

I think my own relaxed frame of mind comes from an idea a friend shared with me. She recommended coming up with one “good idea” for each day towards the end of pregnancy. Something to look forward to so that your attention is not minutely focused on every internal shift. Here are a few of the things on our list.

100_0859Kite flying: This one got us out of the house all morning. I’m not sure if the idea behind “good ideas” is to dream up schemes to bring on labour, but running about with a kite was wonderfully distracting for all of us. Something about the energy of the wind and the need to keep your eyes focussed up. A beautiful morning.  100_0853

Signing up for the library’s summer reading club: This is the third year that Beangirl has done the club, and the first year for Blue. He was a little hesitant at first, thinking he needed to be able to match his sister in devouring novels, but once I assured him that picture books counted, too, he was on fire. Over the course of the summer, they each have to read six books – and in return they get a plethora of stickers and treats through the local library. The Spouse trotted them down last Monday to sign up, and the three of them have pledged to return weekly for more resources.


Belly Painting:

This one had to wait for the sun. And then we couldn’t find the paints. But the markers worked just fine, and the baby put on a very wiggling show for the artists. Beangirl and I loved belly painting when Blue was on the way, but never managed to take any photos. This time round, we got some lovely snaps, but I was the only canvas. We might try again this afternoon.


Artsy Birth prep:

A couple of weeks ago, I tripped and crashed both my knees against the hard steps in front of a friend’s newly opened yarn shop. (She thanked me for the “safety check” and has since put on Watch your step! Signage.) The resulting bruises were colourful, but made some baby-readying exercises awfully sore. So I bought a cheapy camping mattress to kneel on – and the kids decorated it. Beangirl drew fruit to remind me that God does amazing things (strawberries and raspberries being among some of the more amazing ones, apparently). The angel is there because there are lots of stories of angels announcing babies in the Bible, and this one is looking after a dog because dogs are nice. Blue’s contribution is a little more straightforward. He drew me – several times – pushing out a baby. I love the happy faces and spiky hair on both me and baby. It definitely makes birth look exciting, doesn’t it?  100_0876

And because it isn’t all about creativity (or maybe because it is), I’ve been coming up with food “good ideas”, too. Like my Granny’s Sausage Pie. It’s great picnic food. It requires a pound of bacon. It makes me happy. How can it not be a “good idea”?  Here’s the recipe for you.

Granny Gray’s Sausage Pie

Makes two pies – so you can, if you like, save one for later. Good warm or cold, serve with chutney


1 lb sausage meat – ground pork – lean

1 lb bacon – cut up, cooked, drained

1 onion – large, finely diced

4 tbsp bread crumbs

2 eggs

salt and pepper

Pastry (homemade or bought, as you like)


How to: Line 2x 8 inch cake pans with pastry. Combine filling ingredients and fill your pans with mixture. Roll out two lids – pastry circles just smaller than your pie – and set on top, folding excess pastry over the lid as you go. Slash pastry lid 2-3 times. As you can see, mine looks a little … rustic. Feel free to go for pretty instead, if that suits your fancy.

Bake 450º – 15 mins at the bottom of the oven

then 350º – 45 mins – mid-oven

These pies freeze well – cool 10 minutes, then remove from pans while still slightly warm. Cool and freeze.

Excellent for picnics.