Trusting Like Moses

Sometimes I feel like Moses…no, no burning bushes, no upheld staffs to heal the ill, but the patient and hopeful Moses, who even though he saw the face of God, was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.

I guess we all have Promised Lands in our lives.  Places, destinations, dreams that are so right but just won’t maybe happen in our life time.

No, I am not talking about world peace…as wonderful as that would be, but our personal dreams for our loved ones that we want fulfilled.  We pray, pray some more.   Sometimes we beg.  I am not above begging.  I entreat, I cry and then I finally accept that in God’s time perhaps these things I so long for, will be accomplished.

Unlike Moses, I have not seen the face of God, but I have experienced His love and faithfulness through a life time.  That should be sufficient and I guess I should trust more.

World peace I can wait for, but oh, the ache of having a loved one still sitting on the fringe of faith.  That’s a tough one.

But as much as that is an unfulfilled dream, I have blessings “running over” as that old hymn says.  I keep reminding myself this is earth not heaven, and I am thankful for what I have…my grandson and I share the deep faith we have…now how many people can say that? It is a delight to us both.  And I am talking the deep personal faith that isn’t just a “I’ve gone to Church all my life” faith. There is nothing wrong and everything right with going to church all your life, but you’re missing something if you haven’t experienced the feeling of the Holy Spirit washing over you. I know I sound more Pentecostal than Presbyterian, but some of the Presbyterians in the beginnings of the church were know to express their knowledge of the Holy Spirit in emotional ways.

Don’t short change yourself!   God has great and wonderful gifts to share with you. Reach out and put your hand in His.  Trust in Him…He is there for the long haul and He will not disappoint you.