Number Three is Here!

Good news at last! Our newest little one arrived just before elevenses on Friday morning.  He’s gorgeous and all-occupying and I haven’t much else to say. We’re all over the moon – tired and happy and getting acquainted.

It’s early days and we don’t yet have a nickname for him, though Beangirl is trying out a variety of B-names. So far, Brilliant is at the top of her list while Blue thinks that Beautiful is more fitting. I’m not sure either will stick, but we shall see.

The in-laws arrive this afternoon, so there’s a cake cooling in the kitchen and the Spouse has been cooking up a storm, keeping his family fed. Right now, the kids are playing in the garden –  I can hear them playing outside the window. Home feels like the perfect place to be and all is well.  Here are a couple of photos from the past three days.  100_0979

love and blessings,

