Tuesday – servanthood

Prayer:  Almighty God,  You have given us so much.  Give us one thing more and that is a greatful heart.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray.  Amen.


Read St. Luke 22: 24 – 30

Withint minutes of wondering who would betray Jesus,  the disciples conservation turned to wondering who would end up the greatest.  What?  Doesn’t that sound odd.  The word betrayal it mentioned then suddenly the people are arguing about who will be the greatest?


Frequently when there is a heavy issue or discussion,  our minds just won’t accept the heavy issue and we try to change the heavy issue to something with which we are comfortable.  For the disciples,  squabbling about who will be the greatest was a much easier topic to discuss than betrayal.


Another thing that is not mentioned in this portion of scripture is Jesus hitting his head against the wall… figuratively or physically… over the disciples antics.


The disciples should know better.  They have been sitting at the feet of Jesus learning about the love of God.  And yet,  even the disciples stumble.


Finally, Jesus breaks into their discussion and reminds the disciples that they must always serve others.  There will be no “I am the greatest” in the Kingdom of God.


Servanthood.  God calls each of us to serve others.  This means putting others before ourself.  This means volunteering with great joy on a project and not kicking oneself after for volunteering afterward.  Servanthood begins with prayer and discernment.  First we need to ask God how we can serve.  Then we need to ask God who we can serve.  Then we need to ask God for enthusiasm and creativity to serve with great joy.


Prayer:  Creator God,  we ask that our thoughts and our hands may be still so that we can focus upon Your words.  Still our minds so that we can focus upon Your call.  Loving God,  how can we serve You today?   Lord,  hear our prayer.  Lord God,  who can we serve for You today?  Lord,  hear our prayer.  May we go boldly forth with Your enthusiasm and serve You each and every day in great joy.  In Christ’s  name we pray. Amen.