Monday – in Peter’s shoes

Prayer:  O Lord,  support us all the day long,  until the shadows lengthen, the evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and our work is done.  Then,  Lord,  in Your mercy grant us safe lodging,  a holy rest,  and peace at the last. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.  (John Newman taken from PCC The Book of Common Worship).


Read  St. Luke 22: 54 – 62  Peter disowns Jesus


Peter denies knowing Jesus.  He probably denied knowing Jesus so that he too wasn’t  arrested.  If we were in Peter’s shoes,  we don’t know what we would do until we were actually in his shoes.


How often have we been in a meeting and only thought afterward,  “darn it.  I should have said something”.  Or how often,  like Peter, did we make a decision and then harshly regret that decisions.

We prepare ourselves to stand up for what we believe through prayer,  meditation,  reflecting on the scriptures,  worship,  and life experiences.  We only mature and grow as Christians by viewing all of our life decisions through prayer and listening to God’s voice.  Many years ago there was a movement called “What Would Jesus Do”.  It made people stop and think right before they were to make a decision…. What would Jesus do in this situation.


Prayer:  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world.  Have mercy upon us.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins from my heart,  have mercy upon me.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sin of the world.  Grant us Your peace.  As we live out our lives in Your name today,  help us to ask ourselves “what have I done for Christ”…. “what am I doing for Christ today….. what out I to do for You today?    Help me O Lord to stand up for what I believe this day.  Lamb of God,  You take away the sins of this world.  Grant us Your grace.  Amen.