Saturday – what is sin

Prayer:   Holy God,  Holy Mighty,  Holy Immortal One  we know that You have forgiven all our sins.   Help us to recognize that You have forgiven all our sins. Lord, forgive our sins this day so that we can come before You in wholeness and renewed in the love of Jesus Christ.  Amen.


Westminster Confession of Faith – The Short Catechism Question #14  “What is sin”?

Answer: “Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God.”

1 John 3: 4

Sin separates us from the love of God.   While God has forgiven us,  we still sin. Drat!  By sinning we separate ourselves from the love of God.   To make ourselves whole,  we seek out God in prayer and ask for forgiveness.

Historically  one of the “sin” questions is are there lesser and greater sins?   For instance is lying about eating the last cookie a lesser sin than murdering your friend for eating the last cookie?    Today  we believe that all sins are equal… sin is sin… sin is a separation from God no matter what kind of a sin it is.

Prayer:  Great God,  we bring before You today  those things we have left undone.   Oh Lord hear our prayer.   Great God,  we bring before You today those things we have left unsaid.  Oh Lord hear our prayer.  Great God,  we bring before You today those responsibilities we do not want but must take up in Your love.  O Lord hear our prayer.   Great God,  You have forgiven us and made us whole.  Hallelujah!  Amen.