Wednesday – Ascension

Prayer:   In peace let us pray to the Lord.  Lord,  have mercy upon those who need You for healing this day.  Lord,  have mercy upon those who need You for learning this day.  Lord,  have mercy upon those who don’t know what they need but they need Your love.   May we continually rejoice in Your love and live in Great Joy today and always. Amen.

Luke 24: 50 – 53

The Ascension of Christ. In the Church today,  we celebrate the Ascension 40 days after Easter.  This year,  The Ascension was on May 9th.

Jesus led the disciples out to Bethany.  He lifted up his hands and blessed them.  As he was blessing the disciples,  he was lifted up to heaven.

The disciples worshipped Jesus and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.    Great joy.    With Great Joy.    It is this same attitude that we too must go out into our community.  We must go out with great joy knowing the love of God.     With Great Joy

Read Luke 24: 50 – 53  slowly through again.  Do any works make you pause?  Do any phrases come to mind that are joyful?

This day and next month,  what one thing each day will you do  with Great Joy?

Prayer:  Help us this day O Lord to live this day in Your Great Joy.  Have mercy upon us this day O Lord so that we can live this day in Your Great Joy.   Protect us this day O Lord so that we can bring the Good News of Your Son to all in this world.   Amen.