Friday – Go, knowing you are in God’s care

Listening Prayer :   O God,  be in our thoughts and actions this day.  Still our restlessness today so that we can live and move in You……

Read Acts 10: 30 – 48

Ask God to speak to you through the scripture that you have read today.    Remain in God’s  presence in silence for a few minutes.

Read through this portion of scripture once again very slowly.  Let phrases of the scripture bubble up in your mind and pause for a moment over any phrase or portion of scripture that makes you go  “humm”.     Keep still and remain in God’s  presence in silence for a few minutes.

Thank God for this portion of scripture that you have just read.     Keep silent for a few minutes.

Tell God what you learned from this scripture.  Then keep silent for a few minutes and focus on the love of God as shown through this scripture.

Ask God if there is anything that you can do today to help further the love of God within your community and neighbourhood and world.     Remain in God’s  presence in silence for a few minutes.

Keep silent for a few minutes and focus on the love of God.

Thank God for this time of learning and prayer.    Keep silent and open your mind to hearing the voice of what God is saying to you today.

Go out today knowing that you are in God’s  care and loving presence in all you do today and in everything you say today.


Prayer:   Great God,  we thank You that we are kept in Your loving care today and always.  May we live out this day sharing

Your love and Your mercy with our family, friends, and community.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.