Company Calling

Daughter Lyn visited last week.  She comes north four or five times a year and how I love those visits.

Of course, there is the usual planning of meals and for the first time in months and months I make her favorite meals…’chicken and rice’, ‘streudels with pork’ etc. etc. Of course it is a “pig out” with both of us full of regrets the following day…but such fun.  This time however she really did become unwell (hopefully not from my dinners), so for one day she slept on the sofa and I went into my “Mother can fix everything” role… lots of T.L.C. and fluids.  It seemed to work and she flew back south a few days later.

Of course the house was empty, so empty when she left.  I felt like a voice crying in the wilderness…’I am alone, so alone Lord, where are you?’

Then I remember that the next day was to be movie afternoon and often 4 – 5 ladies show up. It is a relaxing time and something to look forward to…and come Friday the Bible Study group will fill my living room and the smell of coffee will permeate the house. The Lord does provide.

I love my friend’s visits, but they come and go and of course they do not have the same depth of feeling as my families’ visits.

In retrospect I recall my first, youthful visits with God. They match the ones I now have with my friends.  They were always a blessing but not “full time”.  But my God is a jealous God and He wanted all my time…much as my kids expect the same thing.

It has taken many years but now he is a “full time” resident in my home.  Our conversations are continuous and often audible…although it is only my voice you will hear if you listen.

I often wonder why I was to spend my last years alone but God probably knew He couldn’t get a word in edgewise with Harry and I having constant conversations, being tied up with our volunteer commitments, watching TV and chasing around the world with our Travel Agency.  Now there is so much more time for God.

So I am not really alone.  We laugh together over my culinary attempts, we rejoice together over my great granddaughter’s first steps and we cry together as much loved friends say goodbye and go to his home on high.

He is truly the best kind of company…and I am so glad He is a continuous visitor in my home.