Celebrities in My Life

I didn’t realize at the time that I worked at the Golf Club in Orillia, Ontario that summer that the young man singing with a friend, would become a celebrity.

I needed a break from the kids and we could always use the money.  My neighbour suggested I join her for Saturdays and help in the kitchen.  So, we made coffee and sandwiches and kept the hungry golfers happy.

And sometimes there was entertainment.  That particular day, two young fellows; one with dark hair, one with light, pulled out their guitars and began to sing.  And the music they produced was terrific!

I don’t know who the dark haired lad was but the fair-haired one was Gordon Lightfoot!

I’m sure he doesn’t remember me.

Years later, Harry and I were asked to pick up a couple at the Airport and see they got to the United Church where the gentleman was speaking that evening.  What an adventure that was, for our passengers were Dr. Bob McClure and his wife Amy.  They were so full of fun I could hardly believe that this was the famous doctor who had lived most of his life in China.  His life adventures have filled many books.  He entertained us with stories for an hour or so before his “Speaking engagement”.  His wife Amy was charming also.  Their personal visit with us ranks as one of my most memorable evenings.

The personal invitation we received read that we were invited to be guests at a dinner for Prince Andrew and his wife.  Wow!  It sure paid off that year to be part of City Council.  What a thrill it was to stand in my new blue dress with my new blue hat and curtsey and shake their hands.  A photographer’s snapshot shows a really big grin on my face.

Some years later Pauline Brown was a visitor in our home.  She radiated love and blessed us both as she left our house.  She is a remarkable example of the Nursing profession and of a Christian.

And we had Moderator,  Allan McPherson and his wife Maureen stay over at our home one night.  That is the ultimate Presbyterian experience.  They were delightful guests and resulted in my Record article “The Moderator Slept Here.”

The last few years my very special guests have been our great-grandchildren.  Those little bits of humanity have more celebrity status than any of the other guests we have had.  As they laugh and play and sing songs and tell silly stories I am more and more enraptured by their charm and sweet smiles.  They remind me that God still sends his very best creation to our families, to love, to cherish and to teach…and to remind us that He still believes in us enough to send us these precious gifts.