Wednesday, October 16, 2013 — Morning Reflection

Song of the Day: Spirit

To listen  for free, follow this link and click on track 8:

Today [Saturday] I will go to the funeral of a long-time friend who died unexpectedly at the age of 47. I will try to play a song there, though it will be a challenge. Yesterday I got word from a friend that her brother, much younger than that, passed away. On days like these, it is sometimes hard for me to perceive the presence of God.

That said, I am reminded of a dialog that was recounted to me years ago:

– Why do you believe that God exists? You can’t see God.
– Why do you believe that wind exists? You can’t see wind either.
– But I can feel it, and I can see its effects.
– And that is the same reason I believe in God.

I make no assumptions about your faith. It may be that you are so rooted and surrounded in it that you have a hard time understanding when others wrestle with doubt, or it may be that you are not at all convinced that anyone is listening when you pray, or even that prayer seems a silly endeavor, and not one that you have tried. I honor and respect many perspectives on faith and on God. For my part, though, I have always been a wrestler; I am one who struggles almost constantly with theology and with how best to live faithfully, sometimes on days when the breeze is still.

This song speaks to that struggle. I hope it also speaks to you. Blessings on this day, which is a gift, and a good gift.

David LaMotte

The clouds hanging low on the mountains at dawn
Like an old t-shirt thrown on a chair
My dreams shimmer there on the edge of the day
And I long to remain unaware

But the light and the clock and the weight and the noise
Slide back into place in my chest
I cannot lie still in the swirling of time
And words will allow me no rest

You stand just past the edge of the light I can see
You speak and I struggle to hear it
I long to explain but I can’t find the words
It’s right there on the tip of my spirit

I swim through the street, I lean through the haze
I push through the current and tide
Straining to hear the soft voice in the wind
A memory, an omen or sign

I bow to the night at the end of the land
And the undertow pulls on my feet in the sand
You stand just past the edge of the light I can see
You speak and I struggle to hear it

I long to explain but I can’t find the words
It’s right there on the tip of my spirit
I wrestle and roll with these angels
We’re gasping for breath through our tears

I struggle and spin
Awaken again
And I find I’m the only one here

You stand just past the edge of the light I can see
You speak and I struggle to hear it
I long to explain but I can’t find the words
It’s right there on the tip of my spirit

About David LaMotte

David LaMotte is a singer/songwriter from Black Mountain, North Carolina. He self identifies as a 'Quakerterian,' with one foot planted in the Presbyterian tradition and the other in Quakerism. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.