Saturday, October 19, 2013 — Morning Meditation

The title of today’s entrance meditation is The Silent Work of the Monks from The White Robed Monk (1983).

As I stand in the silence
I become aware
That others are present
In the underground chapel
I see
Monks in brown robes
Seated on every side
Their heads are bowed
They are in silence
No one speaks
But something emanates
From each of the monks
A power
Becomes present in the silence
It comes from something stirring
In the silence of the monks
In the silence of the chapel
The power is carried
By emanations of love
Coming from the monks
Warming the air around me.

I am sitting
In the warmth of the chapel
The silent stirrings of love
Move around me
Carried by my breath
They enter me.

It circulates within me
It moves within me
I am sitting
In the warmth of the chapel
As we each do our inward work

Working together,
And together…
Sharing the work of the monks
In the silence…In the Silence.

From Ira Progoff: The White Robed Monk, Dialogue House Library, NY 1983 p.59ff.

About Rafael Vallejo

Rev. Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online.