Sunday – thanksgiving and sabbath

Over the next few weeks  I will not be blogging.  Last Tuesday, I was  diagnosed with colorectal cancer.   Thursday  24 October 2013,  I go back into hospital so the Drs can remove the largest tumour (whom I am calling Georg Frederick Handel… because of his Water Music composition and Fireworks composition… bowel… water works… fireworks  … get it?   :).   It is interesting being a Presbyterian with a sense of humour about death.  Some people call this irreverent.   I call it knowing that I and my family are in the loving care of God and God’s amazing healers (Drs and Nurses and Staff and Chaplains,  Friends, and Family).      The Drs are so afraid of death and I just about  had to arm wrestle the Dr to get the diagnosis of cancer.  I have know for a long time that something wasn’t right in my body and am not surprised at all with the diagnosis. Sending out e-mails to friends and family telling them of my cancer — those who don’t attend church — have been astonishing.  They have responded  that they will keep Glenn (husband)  and John (son) and myself in their prayers.  If the number of people who said they would pray for us attended church,  our churches would be full!  Something to think about!  So if people are so quick to keep others in their prayers,  what is keeping them away from Church?

I am calling this time of hospital trips and gaining strength between each procedure as a time of meditative adventure.  Life here at home for Glenn and John is not so meditative but more adventure as they take back all the volunteering boxes and paperwork to various organizations so that the work can continue.  Please keep them in your prayers.     Prayers are the lifeline between us and God.   I would ask that in our prayers  Glenn and John be supported  and that I will be eased from pain…  and whether I live or die is in the hands of God.   This time of meditative adventure is also a Sabbath…. a time of resting and abiding in God.

Prayer: Thank You O Lord God Almighty.  Thank You for clearing our minds and hearts and souls so that our focus is always upon You.  It is in Your presence that we live and move and have our being.   With the grandness You have given to us in our life,  we now extent our hands and voice  to help those who are in need this day.    Today O Lord,  we come to You knowing that each step we take today,  we are kept in Your care.  We come to You today knowing that each breath we take today,  we are kept in Your care.  As we worship together with the whole world,  may our joy become full.  May our joy overflow into our community and world.  Lord hear our prayers as we ask for those who need Your reconciliation.  May we be Your arms to help.   Lord hear our prayers as we ask for those who need intercessions this day.  may we be Your voice to help. Lord hear out prayers as we ask for those who need Your loving embrace today as they live with illness and pain.    In our worship and in our waking,  we give You thanks and praise.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.